Vaccination Marshalls – Ennis


The Clare Volunteer Centre are delighted to be working with the HSE in recruting volunteers for the Mass Vaccination Centre in Treacys West County Hotel, Ennis. The programme has been running since April 2021 and over 70 volunteers have completed the induction and have been rostered for duty. Speaking about the programme, Sharon Meaney – manager of the Clare Volunteer Centre gave an outline of what the volunteers bring to the project, “we have been overwhelmed with the positive feedback received from not only the HSE but also the general public who are greeted by a sea of friendly faces when they attend for appointment. The volunteers are a vital part of the programme and provide a warm greeting and sign posting to those attending for their vaccinations. We have also received very positive feedback from the volunteers themselves who find the role extremely rewarding”. If anyone would like to find out more about how they can volunteer for the programme, please contact dolores@volunteerclare.ieĀ